Interested in learning more about the Civil War? Did you know that there are lots of published books about this war!!
For instance, when you perform a keyword search for Civil War on (as of October 2013) there are 11,777 hits and 1063 of these are online? Wow!!
Follow the steps below to see for yourself!!
1. Go to
2. Click on the Search tab at the top middle of the page.
3. Click on Catalog, then Keywords, and type civil war in the Keywords search box and click the blue Search button.
4. Scroll halfway down the page looking for the word Available on the left hand side of the page. Click on the Online (1063) This means there are 1063 books/references online. So you might be able to read these at home in your pj’s if they aren’t restricted. Sometimes you might need to be at an LDS Family History Center to view them.
5. Click on some that interest you!!
If you know the regiment your ancestor fought in during the civil war, try to find a book about his regiment on with the keyword search, perform a GOOGLE search for that regiment, or try a
You can also search for civil war books in the county your ancestor lived in. Just go to, go to the Catalog, and perform a place search. Look under the Military category and civil war.
Happy Hunting!! Did you find something new?