When you are looking in a particular state, county, or even country, don’t overlook biographies, they might mention your ancestor.
I found the following book online. A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF EMINENT MEN OF THE STATE OF KANSAS. You can find this book in the Catalog on FamilySearch.org. It has been digitized and accessible online.
Just follow this link. familysearch.org/search/catalog/1809010?availability=Family%20History%20Library.
Click on View Digital Version about half way down on the page.
The index is at the beginning of the book. Can you find what page Charles A Hill would be on? If you have ancestors who lived in Kansas, look for their last name and see if they might have been related to one of these men.
Find a biography in the county or state that your ancestor lived in. To do this, do the following.
1. Go to FamilySearch.org
2. Click on Search in the middle top of page.
3. Click on Catalog in the top left of page.
4. Type in the county, state or country, and see if you can find a Biography that interests you. If it isn’t digitized, see if you can find a copy online somewhere like WorldCat.org.
Let me know if you have any questions/success.