Preserving Your American heritage: A Guide to Family and Local History by Norman E. Wright.
This book has a lot of great information about different types of United States records that are available, how to do US research, etc. This is truly a great reference book.
One topic I enjoyed reading is how the early US census records can help with your research. The 1790 to 1840 US census records only list the name of heads of households, and includes check marks of how many males, females, and slaves are in the household. You might not think that they are of any value. However, after reading this section, you will come to know different. If you are interested in learning more about these early records, look at page 58. The middle paragraph describes the very first census, 1790, and the following pages explain the difference between the various census records and why they were taken.
As of 2013, the book has not been digitized, so to locate a copy of this book, you can do the following. Go to and search for the title. This site will direct you to the closest library. You might also contact a local LDS family history center. Amazon might also have some copies for sale, used and new.