Do you wish that you could pull up all the stories that you and others have written on your ancestors in FamilySearch? Well, your dream has come true. Check out the new app – All The Stories.
Do you wish that you could pull up all the stories that you and others have written on your ancestors in FamilySearch? Well, your dream has come true. Check out the new app – All The Stories.
Do you have a FamilySearch tree and want to add a source from MyHeritage to it? MyHeritage has just added a feature that makes it easy to add the source to your FamilySearch Tree with one click. They have done a great job.
Watch this short video to see the update for June 2016.
Family Tree Keepsake is a fun way that lets you view and even print out your tree. Take a look at this short video to see how easy it is!!
Do you have an and a Tree and want to share the information between the two of them? Check out this 9 minute video to see how to do that.
Every now and then, sends out email campaigns about different records your ancestor might be in. They had one that included obituaries your ancestors were in. It was awesome. Take a look at this video to learn more about it. has updated its Gallery in Memories. Check out the video to learn how to use it. It is very user-friendly. has updated its Edit Relationship feature with a flyout window. Check out how this works below.
Haven’t heard about RootsSearch? This amazing Chrome Extension is going to make your life easier.
Did you know that pretty soon your Home page on will have a new look? Check out the video below to see what the changes are.