Just for Fun!! Have a FamilySearch Account? Click on this link to see what your infographic looks like. https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/infographic
Just for Fun!! Have a FamilySearch Account? Click on this link to see what your infographic looks like. https://www.familysearch.org/campaign/infographic
Did you receive an email from FamilySearch.org about your Pioneer Ancestors and want to take a look again, but have deleted or can’t find the email? Here is a link to get you back to them.
Did you know that you can see all of the stories you have added to your ancestors by signing into FamilySearch and going to the Gallery? You can also easily see what stories others have commented on. It’s so easy.
Did you know that searching for your ancestors in Tax Records can help in breaking down your genealogy brick walls? Take a look at this video to learn how to find tax records on FamilySearch.org and how to search them.
FamilySearch continues to update the Help Tips on each webpage. Take a look at this short 5 minute video to see just how they can help you.
Are you a Temple and Family History Consultant for your ward? Did you know that FamilySearch has recently updated the Consultant Planner and has made it easy to see your calling responsibilities.
Did you know that if you use Google Photos to store your photos, you can now easily copy them into your FamilySearch Tree. Take a look at how easy it is.
Have you come across a person who you want to add to FamilySearch, but don’t know who he/she connects with? Watch this short video to see how to add an unconnected person to FamilySearch. It is so easy.
Do you get annoyed with FamilySearch when it asks you for a reason anytime you change information? Well, if so, you are going to love Simplefill. It is so easy to use and will make it so much easier to explain your changes. It only takes 5 minutes to learn how to do it.
Wondering if your ancestor served an LDS mission between 1830 and 1930? Watch this video to learn about it.