has updated its Gallery in Memories. Check out the video to learn how to use it. It is very user-friendly. has updated its Gallery in Memories. Check out the video to learn how to use it. It is very user-friendly.
Do you have an tree and want to share it or open it in your personal Genealogy software database? Take a look at this 7 minute video to learn how to export and import using a GEDCOM file.
Do you use and want help with finding records, duplicates, problems, etc?Find-A-Record is amazing and so easy to use. Check out this video to see how it can be an assistant to you.
Are you new to family history or want to learn how to do genealogy or family history better? This website is a great way to start at the beginning and learn how. It even has instructions on how to use the computer, right down to how to use the mouse. Check out the video to learn how to use this site.
Are you a Latter Day Saint and want to be reminded when your ancestors are eligible to have their temple ordinances work done? Go to Watch the funny short video, and then try it out. It is super easy to use.
Do you have ancestors who lived in New England? Check out American to see how it can help you find your ancestors.
I just learned about this Cemetery Website and love it. If you find your ancestor on this site, you will be able to see a map of the cemetery!! This is awesome because you will be able to see relatives buried close to your ancestors. You might even find a child who died at a young age. Check it out!!
Have you wondered if you are related to a President of the US or one of the signers of the declaration of independence? is a fun way to see if you are. Also, they have Grandma’s Pie and a Geneopardy game that uses your information from your Family Tree in Check it out below. has updated its Edit Relationship feature with a flyout window. Check out how this works below.
Haven’t heard about RootsSearch? This amazing Chrome Extension is going to make your life easier.