This blog includes a series of short videos I prepared to help individuals become comfortable with the FamilySearch Tree App. Please comment if you have any questions.
Author Archives: Carol Hill
Merging Duplicates Update on has recently updated their merging feature. Watch the video to see how user-friendly this feature is now.
How to Search Images on
Did you know that there are over 4 billion unindexed records on FamilySearch has made it so much easier to search these images. Take a look at the video to learn how this works.
Join a FamilySearch Research Community
Do you help with your research, or would like to stay updated with changes in the genealogy world? Check out this video to see why you may want to join one.
Unfinished Attachments on FamilySearch
FamilySearch has a new feature called Unfinished attachments. Take a look at this video to see how you can make new discoveries by finishing attaching sources to your ancestors.
New Contributions Tab on the Family Tree Mobile APP
Take a look at this video to see what your Contributions to the FamilySearch Family Tree look like.
Find and Merge Ancestors on FamilySearch by the ID Number
Do you know that there is a duplicate for one of your ancestors on FamilySearch, but don’t know how to merge it? Check out this video to learn how.
Download Your Raw DNA Data from Ancestry and Upload it to
Did you know that you can Download your Raw DNA Data from and upload it to This can also apply to other sites as well.
Guided Research on FamilySearch WIKI
FamilySearch is doing a great job of helping beginner genealogy researchers find records that will help them find their ancestors. Take a look at this video to see how it works. I
Add or Change Ancestors Portrait Photo in FamilySearch
Do you want to change the portrait photo on one of your ancestor’s Detail page in FamilySearch? Take a look at this 3 minute video to see how easy it is now.